Jun 10, 2009

Color me surprised!

A whole new blogging world has now opened up! Love the new background and banner, do you? Me too! I had no idea that you could do so many cool things...Color me surprised! In other news, Logan is doing fine after his first round of shots. He was a little upset last night before bedtime, but slept well after his bottle. What a tough little man. He looked especially tough with all his Bugs Bunny bandaids on those cute little legs! (Which I am not looking forward to removing) Ah, motherhood! The things they don't tell you...hehe!

1 comment:

  1. The blog looks great girlie! I'm so proud of you. We enjoy reading the latest Logan buzz. :)

    Oh yeah, the bandaid removal thing is still dreaded around here. Sophie hates that part. She usually refuses a bandaid when she has a booboo because of that. lol.

    Hope Logan is doing well the day after his shots!
