Jul 25, 2009

Cutie Pie!

What a face!

So, we decided the other night to give Logan his first real taste of rice cereal. Mmmm! That was not the face we got... He screamed the entire time we were feeding him, which is unusual because he's so easygoing. Anyway, he was happy by the time we were finished so all was well in the end. Does it get easier as it goes along? I sure hope so, but he was absolutely adorable even with the crying! I'm sure as he figures out we are giving him food and NOT trying to deprive him of his bottle, he'll be okay. Better luck next time, hehe!

Sun Bathing Sadie

We haven't posted much about anything else but Logan since beginning our blog earlier this year, but we have another little one that lives with us. Sadie, Sadiebug, Sadiedog, she has many names... She is actually much more elusive to the camera than the thumbsucking that occurs with Logan. I finally caught her sunbathing this morning and ran for the camera. She's been with us now for two great years. It's funny too, because most everyone that knows Sadie no longer calls Miniature Schnauzers by their breed name anymore. They're all Sadie-dogs! Our first baby, she's had to do alot of adjusting since April. I thought she should get her own post with such a pretty picture!

Jul 20, 2009

Summer Lovin'

So, we made through our little one day vacation with flying colors! We had so much fun in Nashville. Logan had his first visit at Opry Mills and racked up with the school clothes! We spent most of our time in Carter's and The Children's Place. Logan also had his first visit at the Bass Pro Shop to look at the fish! We finished our trip on Sunday at the Loveless Cafe. Daddy has wanted to visit there ever since we watched Bobby Flay visit the Cafe on the show "Throwdown" on Food Network. The food was great and their staff thought Logan was so cute! (But Mommy and Daddy already knew that, of course!) We are looking forward to our next vacation real soon!

Jul 4, 2009

Splish, Splash!

What a cutie! This boy loves his bath! I can't count how many nights we probably should have mopped the floor after giving this little fish his bath. What can I say? He LOVES water! His favorite part is to look at himself in the mirror on the vanity. You can hardly get him to look away! SO CUTE!

Fathers' Day 2009

What a very special day! Daddy loved his video from Logan and Mommy early that morning. (Actually, every morning is early around here!)We all sat in bed together and enjoyed watching the memories from the past 2 1/2 months. I think we all were a little misty at some point throughout the movie. Then, Logan went to his first church service that morning! We drove to Pulaski to spend the day at Granna and Bear's and to attend Sunday morning service. Logan was very well behaved. Hehe! Other than getting up to get our mid-morning bottle, everything went off without a hitch!